Nervous Patients
When a person has dental anxiety, we are sure to take our consultation at a pace which that patient will be comfortable with. It is highly important to discuss the issues with our patient for as long as it takes for them to be comfortable in the surgery, and we have had instances where the first appointment will not even result in looking at the teeth but has made the patient comfortable enough to feel secure in the environment and only when they feel comfortable enough will we arrange for their next appointment.
There are a number trigger points for a patient with dental anxiety including the sound of the drill, the feel of the rubber gloves or even the thought of having an injection. It’s our job to find out which of the triggers is causing the nervousness and then overcome that trigger or find a way around it.
In the rare instances where we can’t overcome a certain anxiety then we would advise hypnotherapy. As a last resort we would recommend oral sedation, however the circumstances where this is necessary are very rare.
If you suffer from dental anxiety and would like to speak to us in advance of booking an appointment, then please call 020 7935 3323 and we will talk to you in a relaxed and confidential manner to see what solution we recommend.