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We are delighted to launch The Fresh Breath Clinic

The team at Wimpole Street Dental Care is delighted to launch The Fresh Breath Clinic.

Halitosis (or bad breath) isn’t necessarily the easiest topic to raise with a sufferer, so just think about this…if you’re afraid to tell a friend or colleague about their breath then perhaps you too suffer and people are afraid to tell you?

The easiest way to check if you have halitosis is to lick your wrist, let it dry for a moment, then take a smell. You can also floss between two teeth toward the back of your mouth and smell the floss, or use a tongue-scraper to gently scrape the tongue, then smell the scraper. Alternatively, you could pluck up the courage to ask a very honest relative.

Halitosis is highly treatable and at Wimpole Street Dental Care we will carry out a fresh breath consultation. At that appointment, we will take a sample of the bacteria from your mouth and do a full analysis under a microscope. We will also complete a questionnaire and carry out a comprehensive check-up (including x-rays).

At the end of your appointment we will present you with a fresh breath treatment plan outlining the number of times you will need to see us to complete the treatment. For an average patient, this will take between 4-6 visits spread over a 3-month period.

At the completion of your treatment we will advise how frequently you will need follow-up maintenance appointments, which is generally every 3-6 months.

We’ll get your breath fresh and your mouth healthy then help you to maintain it!

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